Saturday, October 5, 2024


My grandmother would have turned 100 today. Having inherited her piano, I painted this setting to celebrate this special day. The piano itself is also quite old, over 110 years old, but it still sounds good and is played almost every day by various members of the family.
painted from life
Gouache, ca. 20 x 13 cm

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

ornella & adriano | pencil

Finally I took the time to continued my caricature series I started in 2020. These are Ornella Muti and Adriano Celentano well known italian actors from 1970s and 1980s. They often appeared side by side in several films.

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Sunday, August 11, 2024

knobbly roots

Avebury, England
drawn from life
pencil, ca.20 x 13,5 cm

Thursday, February 15, 2024

wiltshire sunset

Endlich habe ich es geschafft, die Musik für dieses kurze Zeitraffervideo, das ich letzten Sommer in Wiltshire/England gedreht habe, aufzunehmen. Das Video war schon fertig geschnitten und die Musik geschrieben, aber zu einem neuen Audioaufnahmeprogramm zu wechseln, hat dann doch seine Einarbeitungszeit gebraucht.

Finally I managed to record the music for this little time-lapse video I shot last year in Wiltshire, England. The video editing was done and also the music was composed at the time, but switching to a new recording software took some getting used to.

Video made with:
Nikon D5300 (time-lapse)
Nikon A9000 (video)
PremierePro CS6 (editing)
Musescore (music notation)
Reaper (music recording)


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Monday, December 25, 2023


Again, as a christmas gift I used new and old paintings and drawings as motives for these individual stamps. Even though not cheap it is a welcome alternative to buying presents just off the shelf.

Wiedermal hat altes und neues Gemaltes und Gezeichnetes als Motive für diese individuellen Briefmarken herhalten dürfen. Auch wenn es nicht gerade günstig ist, als Weihnachtsgeschenk mal nicht "von der Stange", ist es auf jeden Fall empfehlenswert.



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Wednesday, October 4, 2023


Just another inking exercise ...

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Thursday, August 17, 2023

palpably different

Ogbourne Maizey, England
drawn from life
pencil, ca.20 x 13,5 cm

Sunday, July 9, 2023

hollow willow trees

Yesterday I went outside with my good friends Grig and Anca to paint. Even though it was quite hot, each of us managed to do a little plein-air painting. Here is mine...
painted from life
Gouache, ca. 20 x 13 cm

Thursday, June 8, 2023

bust study

Anches-en-pa-Aton (Nofretete) (1350 v.Chr.) · Philosoph Epikur (270 v. Chr.) · Katze (664-332 v. Chr.)

In the 70's und 80's it was possible to purchase plaster casts like this in the Egyptian Museum in Berlin. These busts stood in my grandparents' bookshelves next to classical literature and illustrated books for more than 25 years. Nowadays scattered between several family members, all three items were temporarily united again for 3D scanning. I also took the opportunity to do this little gouache study.

In den 70er und 80er Jahren war es möglich Gippsabgüsse antiker Kunstwerke im Ägyptischen Museum in Berlin zu erwerben. Für 25 Jahre standen nun diese Büsten im Bücherregal meiner Großeltern neben klassischer Literatur und Bildbänden. Mittlerweile in der Familie verteilt, sind im Moment alle drei Abgüsse vereint, um abgescannt zu werden. Ich habe gleich die Gelegenheit für diese kleine Gouache-Studie genutzt.

painted from "life"
Gouache, ca.20 x 13 cm

Thursday, May 25, 2023


Here I am flipping through the pages of "Fratzen" booklet 2, a collection of doodles known from this blog. It contains only the spontanious drawings created with no purpose. The ones made for specific project ideas will get their own publications, at least that's the plan... In the moment it is just a "very small edition" (printed in a copy shop) to be giving as a gift to friends and family.

Hier blättere ich durch "Fratzen" Heft 2, in welchem Zeichnungen aus diesem Blog zusammengetragen sind. Aber nur solche, die spontan und ohne Konzept entstanden waren. Projektbezogene Zeichnungen werden jeweils ihre eigenen Veröffentlichungen bekommen, so zumindest der Plan... Im Moment ist es noch eine Kleinstauflage (gedruckt im Copyshop) und eher als Geschenk für Familie und Freunde gedacht.

"Fratzen 2"
A5, 32 pages

Video made with:
Nikon D5300 (time-lapse)
PremierePro CS6 (editing)
Reason (music)

Sunday, April 16, 2023

"otto & alwin" in colour

 Vor einigen Jahren hatte ich "Otto & Alwin" modelliert,  bekannte Comicfiguren aus dem DDR-Pioniermagazin Frösi. Dank des 3D-Druck-verfahrens konnte ich beide endlich reproduzieren, vor allem kleiner als im Original. Ob sie nun in Farbe ihrem Erfinder Jürgen Günter gefallen hätten?

Some years ago I sculpted "Otto & Alwin" two comic characters from the GDR magazine Frösi. Now I was able to 3D-print them in a preferred smaller size.
Finally painted with colours I wonder if they would have got the approval of their creator Jürgen Günther...
Aber um zu diesem Resultat zu kommen, bedurfte es vorher noch ein paar Arbeitsschritten, die es zu durchlaufen galt: 3D-Scan per Photogrammetrie, 3D-Druck,  Bemalung mit Pinsel und Farbe.

In order to get these results some production steps had to be carried out beforehand: 3D scan using photogrammetry, 3D printing, painting with waterproof colours.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

from photos - 2

random faces from podcasts, interviews, lectures and tv-series

previous post

Thursday, October 20, 2022


In 1992 Vangelis composed the music for the film "1492 - Conquest Of Paradise". Undeniable visually impressive on the big screen, but it was the music that had the biggest impact on me. I immediately scraped every little bit of pocket money together and bought the soundtrack, one of my first CDs ever. The album ran nonstop all day long for days. Later I discovered more and more of Vangelis' previous works.
The last 30 years his music has accompanied me and probably will continue to do so. With his passing this May I am grateful for all the lush musical soundscapes he created as a source of immersion and inspiration for generations to come.