Tuesday, July 7, 2020

crowded sunset

Der Sonnenuntergang in der Ludwig-Wucherer-Straße hier in Halle zieht Ende Juni immer wieder einige Schaulustige an. Aus der Not eine Tugend machend, habe ich diese einfach bewußt integriert. Was die Aufnahmen letztendlich sogar interessanter gemacht hat.

End of June the sunset spectacle in the Ludwig-Wucherer-Straße here in Halle/Saale gets a lot of attention. Using the giving circumstances I just intergrated the bystanders, what made the shots much more interesting at the end.

made with:
Nikon D5000 (time-lapse)
Nikon A900 (video)
PremierePro CS6 (editing)
Reason (music)


Clausius Maximus said...

Amazing place in Halle (Saale) - sometimes it looks like San Francisco

Tobias Gembalski said...

Hi Clausius, thank you for your comment and yes at the moment there are similarities!